2021 Result

In this page will be shown the result for 2021 contest, on december 2021 will be online!

Hardy waterlilies results

ISG Hardy waterlilies results

Lotus Results

Lovers results

Voting guidelines for Experts and Hybridisers:

Is added a multiplier for flowers and for overall impression, votes for flowers will be doubled and overall three times.

Flower Shape 1-10 (Multiplied x 2)
How much you like the shape of the flower
Flower Color 1-10 (Multiplied x 2)
How much you like this kind of color
Flower quantity 1-10 (Multiplied x 2)
How many flower during the flowering season
Length of flowering season 1-10
How long is flowering season of the plant
Leaves quantity compared to flowers number 1-10
Leaves coverage
Leaves color 1-10
How much you like the color and variegation on the leaves
Leaves size compared to flower 1-10
Size and quantity of leaves compared to the size and flowers quantity
Overall impression 1-10 (Multiplied x 3)
General impression about the plant
Comments on the plant
Text where judges can write personal impressions on the plants.

Total maximum point for each waterlily is 130.

Flower Shape 1-10 (Multiplied x 2)
How much you like the shape of the flower
Flower Color 1-10 (Multiplied x 2)
How much you like this kind of color
Flower quantity 1-10 (Multiplied x 2)
How many flower during the flowering season
Length of flowering season 1-10
How long is flowering season of the plant
Leaves size compared to flower 1-10
Size and quantity of leaves compared to the size and flowers quantity
Overall impression 1-10 (Multiplied x 3)
General impression about the plant
Comments on the plant
Text where judges can write personal impressions on the plants.

Total point for each lotus is 110.

Voting guidelines for lovers:

Flowers 1-10
How much you like the flowers
Leaves 1-10
How much you like the leaves and spread
Overall impression 1-10
General impression about the plant
Comments on the plant
Text where judges can write personal impressions on the plants.

Flowers 1-10
How much you like the flowers
Overall impression 1-10
General impression about the plant
Comments on the plant
Text where judges can write personal impressions on the plants.